3月25日に Hope for Japan主催のdinner fundraiser がVAにて行われますので、以下に案内致しま
この度、CAPAO (Coalition of Asian Pacific American Organization)は、3月25日(金)午後6時より環アジア系アメリカ人の組織の合同により被災者への義援金を募るディナーを開催いたします。我々といたしましては、この企画において、アジア系アメリカ人、在米アジア人全体が数百人以上の規模で一つの会場に集まり、犠牲者・被災者を悼み祈りを捧げるとともに、被災地、さらには日本の復興に向けて話し合い、結束することを目的と考えております。
この度の企画は、全米で最大の会員規模を持つ複数のアジア系アメリカ人組織、OCA (Organization of Chinese America)、NCCA (National Council of Chinese American)、JACL (Japanese American Citizens League)、が中心となり開催するもので、ここワシントンDCエリアで最も強い影響力をもつ復興支援の企画となることを目指しております。
日時: 3月25日 金曜日 18時 - 21時
場所: China Garden (1100 Wilson Boulevard, Twin Towers, Rosslyn, VA 22209)
703- 525- 5317
アクセス: Orange Line Rosslyn Station 徒歩 約5分
駐車場: 無料
l $25 学生・子供
l $40 一般
25日には、寄付先のGlobalGiving の創立者でいらっしゃる倉石 マリ様にお越しいただき、スピーチをしていただきます。質問等ございましたら、筑紫 薫 (202 617 0624/ chikushi@umd.edu)までご連絡くださいませ。この企画のポスターを添付いたしましたので、ご覧ください。以下は主催者代表、メリーランド大学教授 Dr. Larry Shinagawaからのメールです。
Dear Friends,
On March 11, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake followed by a devastating tsunami and hundreds of aftershocks have rocked Japan and have wrought immeasurable suffering among the Japanese people. There are almost half a million people homeless and many have been directed to move away from the radiation brought about by the partial meltdowns of the Fukushima nuclear power plants. Over 8,500 Japanese have perished and more than 12,500 are still missing. In the Tōhoku region alone, tens of thousands are still looking for their loved ones and trying to contact each other. The feelings of worry and heartache are almost too difficult to bear, but the Japanese people are showing their fortitude and are trying their best to help one another in this trying time.
Together, we can help the people of Japan. We can send a powerful message to them that the United States and its peoples have come together to help the people of Japan in their time of need. We can give much needed funds that will provide direct relief to the Japanese in the form of water, food, generators, gas, medicine, Medical Equipment, Personal Hygiene item, bedding, warm clothing, and rebuilding materials.
As a community of caring, a coalition of Asian Pacific American (APA) organizations has come together to show our support. Please attend a dinner fundraiser at China Garden Restaurant in Arlington on Friday, March 25, 2011, at 6:00-9:00 PM. The purpose of the dinner fundraiser is to help raise funds to support organizations providing relief and aid to victims of the earthquakes and tsunami in Japan. You can sign up and donate online (http://panasianfundraiser.eventbrite.com) or pay at the door. Please let us know whether you will be able to join us. The check should be made payable to "GlobalGiving Japanese Relief Fund."
Attached to this email is a poster of the fundraising dinner event. Please feel free to distribute. Also, a corporate/major donor letter is also attached to encourage donating at a higher level. If you know of anyone able to give at the non-profit, bronze, gold, or platinum table levels, please let us know so we can acknowledge them as soon as we can in the programming.
Embassy officials and congressional representatives have been invited to attend. The dinner fundraiser will feature Japanese and Asian Pacific American performances and speakers. Among the speakers will be Mari Kuraishi, Founder and President of GlobalGiving Foundation, who will personally talk about how the earthquake affects the people of Japan and her own family, and the urgent need for the relief efforts that are underway there.
Larry Shinagawa
General Coordinator